Visit to the construction department: the Nightjet

Visit to the construction department: the Nightjet
19 dicembre 2022
Visit to the construction department: the Nightjet

Visit to the construction department: the Nightjet 

Visit to the construction department: the Nightjet
Since the end of 2016, ÖBB, as one of the largest transport companies in Europe, has been operating a dense and attractive range of night trains with popular travel destinations in large parts of Europe.

The ÖBB and "Siemens Mobility", the manufacturer of rail vehicles, will put a total of 33 seven-car sets of the new "Nightjet" into operation over the next few years..

They each consist of two seating carriages, three couchette carriages and two sleeping carriages, which offer the highest level of comfort and a high-quality interior design.

Parallel to the prototype, ROCO is also working on the detailed implementation of this new "super train". As known from ROCO, the models will convince with the best operating characteristics paired with high detailing.

We took a first look over the shoulder of our designers and don't want to withhold the snapshots taken!

In spring we will provide detailed information about the new Nightjet in a special brochure, look forward to it!